Redeemer | Learning to obey Jesus by listening to God's people
Redeemer Recommends | These are some of the podcasts we can't stop listening to; they will give you a sense of our appreciation for gospel-centered, biblical, meditation that empowers us to treasure Jesus, trust the Bible, love the church, and live for the glory of God.

Redeemer Recommends
The Podcasts We Can’t Stop Listening To
We love the beauty of the Gospel and its power to change people’s hearts and bring life where there was once emptiness. We’ve chosen a few podcasts that will give you a taste of its truth, its goodness and its beauty—as it plays out in our hearts and in the world. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.
Being Known Podcast: A podcast about forming deep relationships, discovering meaning, and living with integrated creativity.
In a world in which we experience such deep desire and such great grief, we find coursing through all of it our unquenchable longing to be known. But we don’t want to stop there, for we know in our bones and blood that we desire to be known in order for us to create and curate beauty and goodness in the world — together with our friends and, in our best moments, even our enemies — in every domain of life we occupy.
The Gospel Coalition: The Gospel Coalition Podcast features lectures, workshops, timely interviews and round table discussions on applying the gospel to issues of the day.
You’re Not Crazy: Are you a young pastor who might be tempted to give up, to even hate the ministry, wondering what on earth you signed up for? In this new podcast, pastors Ray Ortlund and Sam Allberry set out to encourage and remind you that you're not crazy.
Simply Put: Theology in Simple Terms: Simply Put is a podcast to help you build your Christian vocabulary. Each week, Barry Cooper explains a different theological term in clear, concise language and shares stories and illustrations that apply it to your life.
Luther: In Real Time: First released 500 years after the events described, this podcast allows you to walk in Martin Luther’s footsteps from his heresy charges to his famous stand for the authority of God’s Word at the Diet of Worms.
The Emotionally Healthy Leader: Author of The Emotionally Healthy Leader, Pete Scazzero focuses on the development of emotionally healthy leaders.
This Cultural Moment: A podcast about following Jesus in the post-christian world.
Seeing Jesus with Paul Miller: Join Paul Miller in exploring the details of Jesus’ earthly life to gain a clearer vision of what it means to be human.
The Allender Center Podcast: Dr. Dan Allender is a pioneering teacher, speaker, and writer on the power of story, the reality of harm, the impact of shame, and the hope of redemption.
5 Minutes in Church History: 5 Minutes in Church History, hosted by Dr. Stephen Nichols, is a weekly podcast that provides an informal and informative look at church history.
Unbelievable? with Justin Brierley: Each Saturday, in the award-winning radio show and podcast Unbelievable?, Justin Brierley gets Christians and sceptics to engage in healthy debate over God, the Bible, Jesus, culture, society, morality and many other issues.